When I began to experience profound telepathic urges, which indicated that I should keep going out to West Beach in Whitstable and to the Swale, near to Seasalter, in East Kent, on Friday the 24th October 2008 and Saturday the 25th October 2008, it effectively became the starting point of my long term interactions with the Eiteathe or the Eiteathians. As part of the psychic links that we share, certain Eiteathe or the Eiteathians did confirmed they stand 10 feet to 12 feet tall. Each of them has a palish complexions with bluish tinges. With determined proficiency, these Ultraterrestrials arrived on Planet Earth to prevent the continual abductions the Reptoids, the Orion Grays, the Zeta Reticulan Type A Grays and the Zeta Reticulan Type B Grays, had been committing against Homo Sapiens or Human Beings. For the Eiteathe or the Eiteathians only by allowing the free will of incarnations in the 3D Holographic Reality of this Material Dimension, to flourish can proactive improvements be achieved.
The vast numbers of intensely luminescent Orange Spheres and White Ovaloids that appear and teleport away from the Thames Estuary, near to the Isle of Sheppey and the Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm, originate from the Deep Underwater Military Bases the Eiteathe or the Eiteathians construct across Planet Earth. During the 24th October 2008 and onward, showed they were Ultraterrestrials who are working for some kind of Galactic Federation or Galactic Council, and they are focused on the protection of the ecosystems on Planet Earth. On Saturday the 14th November 2009 to Sunday the 15th November 2009, I had a set of interactions with the Eiteathe or the Eiteathians, after I felt a psychical compulsion to walk out towards Long Rock and the Seaview Holiday Park, in Swalecliffe. These locations are near to Studd Hill Beach and Tankerton Slopes, in East Kent. During Monday the 8 February 2010, I then experienced a direct psychic link with a navigator of a White Ovaloid that was hover above the Thames Estuary and near the Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm. During this psychic link I perceived the outline and features of the bioetheric navigator.