Newer vibratory changes became so prevalent that some of them also became intertwined and inverted. Hence, the waveforms of malevolence then became fashioned into motion. Once this happened certain white cylindrical lightning Angels then started to change into becoming denser holographies. These white cylindrical lightning Angels, then began to display Causal Fields which appeared to be gold and silver coloured and slightly opaque. Hence, this meant such individuals had started to change into existing as grouped Light Beings, and would continue doing this until each of them showed they held more detailed outlines. After limited durations had transpired certain white cylindrical lightning Angels then displayed ethereal lineaments which looked slightly more obscure than before. Wherefore these former white cylindrical lightning Angels, with their Causal Fields shone with condensed luminosity and thickened opacity. Further transitory phases like this had ensured these Angels had changed into becoming comparable Light Beings, with shimmering equivalence.
This specific transitory phase was highly significant because such vibratory changes magnified the absolute benevolence which defined these shining Light Beings, who discernibly called themselves by the collective name of Vohareh. Hence, the coherently ordained Light Beings, called the Vohareh, would eventually display pale striped gold and silver luminescent Causal Fields. Intermediate vibratory rate envelopments like this had become evenly spaced around the shining Light Beings, that had defined themselves with the name of Vohareh, and their internal holographies became even more unique. Wherefore this newer transitory phase demonstrated that such ordained Light Beings, which became known as the Vohareh, had prevalently begun to radiate with pale striped gold and silver luminescent Causal Fields, and thereby collectively developed new existences for themselves. Additionally limited durations transpired whilst the grouped Light Beings knowingly decided to function as holography enshriners. This meant they started to display transparent looking subatomic white spherical psychons inside their outlines. Every one of the subatomic white spherical psychons vibrated midst the white crescent shaped waveform patterns of these Light Beings radiant lineaments Hence, the partly transparent subatomic white spherical psychons in the Light Beings, would continue to vibrate midst their own white crescent shaped waveform patterns.
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