Because I am very psychic and know how to effectively harness my Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), I knew that when I made contact with the Ultraterrestrials who conveyed to me they were the Eiteathe or the Eiteathians, the interactions were going to be rather unique. During Friday the 24th October 2008 and Saturday the 25th October 2008, I began to experience profound telepathic urges, which indicated that I should keep going out to West Beach in Whitstable and to the Swale near to Seasalter, in East Kent. The reason for this bizarre supernatural interaction seemingly originated from my UFO sightings of Orange Spheres and White Ovaloids that I had began to observed on a nightly basis once I moved from the village of Faulkland in North East Somerset to Herne Bay in East Kent on Sunday the 6th April 2008. From the outset it was obvious how the aquatic environment of the Thames Estuary was important to the Orange Spheres and White Ovaloids.

From that day and onward, I regularly observed Orange Spheres and White Ovaloids appear and teleport away from the Thames Estuary, near to the Isle of Sheppey and the Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm. Every single psychic contact I established with the Eiteathe or the Eiteathians, from the 24th October 2008 and onward, showed they were Ultraterrestrials who are working for some kind of Galactic Federation or Galactic Council, and they are focused on the protection of the ecosystems on Planet Earth. Additionally, it was revealed that many of the Eiteathe or the Eiteathians are involved with the formation of specific Crop Circles, and they also constructed somewhat etheric and partially translucent Deep Underwater Military Bases in the Arctic Ocean, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, which can vanish and be relocated by these Ultraterrestrials to any designated area where such premises cannot be detected.